It was a long travel day. We traveled by boat from the ITEC to Puerto Almirante. We saw a large number Chiquita Banana containers there as well as large Chiquita ship. The boat ride was smooth and we gvot off to a good start but the bus ride was pretty slow. The road was not too good in parts and the bus strained up to go up the many climbs. We traveled though increasing mountainous rainforest. When we got to the continental divide we got out briefly and felt the wind as we gazed down the much drier and much browner Pacific side. We also got a glimpse of the Pacific Ocean. Eventually we got to the large town of Volcán, where we got groceries for our stay in the cabins of Los Quetzales Ecolodge (breakfasts and snacks). Soon after we arrived the the lodge we were transported to the cabins in two four-wheel drive vehicles for about a 25 minute drive up what euphemistically could be called a road. From there we walked up hill further to the two main cabins. We’re having out lunches and suppers cooked by great cook that we’ve known for years. She is an older woman and she told the group and now she now only cooks for Steve and Patricio and their students. She’s really enjoyed our group over the years, and she’s always been a loving mother/grandmother figure. She cooked a delicious meal for us tonight loaded with fresh vegetables grown in this region. Tomorrow, we’ll take some orientation walks and soon begin our mini projects. For the time being, I’ll point you to a few more snorkeling photos taken three days ago. Click on Snorkeling at Punta Caracol.