We had a busy day today starting with a bumpy boat ride over to bird island – a very diverse and unique island where many pelagic birds go to nest. We headed back for a quick stay at a local beach, grabbing some ice cream and drinks along the way. Once we got back, we enjoyed lunch and then presented the research projects that we have been working on throughout the past week (everyone did amazing!!!) Then, after eating our final dinner (delicious) we ended the night with some music, dancing, and temporary tattoos made from the juice of jagua fruit. Overall, our stay has been an amazing opportunity to learn new things, experience wonderful wildlife (although the lizard roommates were relatively unwelcome), and work with amazing and friendly people. Thanks to ITEC for a great stay – and we’re excited about for next stop in (hopefully) a much cooler cloud forest! See more photos of day by clicking on Bird Island and Boca del Drago.
~ Mina and Noah :