Head in the Clouds

hey Hey HEY!

Ben speaking on behalf of our group

Lila and Hannah here, reporting live from Cerro Punta!! Yesterday we took the long trek (6 hours on the bus!) all the way from Pedasí to the cloud forrest (Lila thinks forest is spelled like that. I tried to correct her but she’s stubborn :P) of Cerro Punta. On our last day in Pedasí, we walked around the town as a group and stopped at a few places we hadn’t yet explored. Then we went to the supermarket and stocked up on yummy snacks and breakfast foods (don’t worry Mom, it’s not all sugar cereal!!) to cook for ourselves in Cerro Punta. A few of us rented some bikes, and some of us even adopted a chicken for an hour (we miss you, Fletcher). That evening, all of us and our host families met up for a final dinner at our school. A few students made brief speeches of thanks to the host families (~in Spanish~) and we all shared a potluck dinner that each family contributed to and some delicious cake. 

Today was our first full day in the cloud forest. We are split into two beautiful wooden cabins set deep in the rain forest. They truly have that peaceful nature ambiance ~. After cooking some nice Gordon Ramsey scrambled eggs (made by Hannah), toast (made by Sabrina and Rachel), and breakfast burritos (made by Lila), the whole group met up and tried on 

our stylish new rain boots before taking off for a gorgeous rainforest hike to a waterfall. We did most of the hike silently in order to not scare away the many species of birds that populate the cloud forrest. Afterwards, we had a delicious hearty lunch cooked by Señora Ramira. We began to speak about our independent projects that we are going to do here in Cerro Punta. A few of us went hiking, and some of us started collecting things for their projects. Now we are sitting in the dining room, typing on this computer for this very blog.

Catch you guys on the flip flop!

– Hannah, Lila, and kind of Tommy

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