Hola, friends and family, this is Casey.
We started off today by making tembleques–traditional beaded hair accessories with the help of a local artist. We were taught how to use beads and wires to form a butterfly for us to insert in our hair. After lunch, some of us showed the part of the group their homestay families. After a quick stop at a local Cafe to play pool and watch a video that Lila has been editing together
throughout our journey in Panama. After which, half of us went fishing while the other half traveled to the small town of Oria Arriba for the purpose of talking to horse owners and partaking a relaxing swim in a nearby river. On the way we stopped to take photos and to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding environment. In the small town we got to interact with two White-eyed
parakeets who would make noises and occasionally respond to us in Spanish. Most of us traveled down to the riverside where we waded into the water and swam for a bit. After regrouping, we returned to Pedasà and our families.
Pedal you later, – Casey