

Jamie at Drago Beach

Jamie at Drago Beach

I will give you a very brief overview of student projects: Liam, Jasper and Alex are looking at the Golden Orb spider. Often, nearby the large females are much smaller males as well as


another small species of  “clepto”-parasitic spiders. They are looking to patterns in these relationships of the these spiders. Jamie and Caroline are investigating Feather-duster worms abundance in different parts of the reefs as well as trying to see if there are patterns in basic behavior. Patrick is working with Leafcutter ants. He is seeing if the minima caste ants are more common in riding and guarding leaves when ants are closer to the nest than when they are far from the nest. Hannah is examining poison dart frogs to see if males and females perch in different places. Gio and Eli assisted Hannah in web21004data collection and they are also looking at the prevalence of Lionfish in different areas we have snorkeled.. Liofish are an introduced invasive species. Maddy is studying the density of Mangrove Tree Oysters in areas of different salinity and shelter. There all working very hard to get their sample collection completed, data analyzed, and write-ups completed.  We have some downtime too.








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