Day 3 at ITEC (Pedasí)


Eli Journaling at ITEC

Eli Journaling at ITEC

We still have very limited internet, and uploading photos can be lengthy  Yesterday afternoon, after lunch, the students had Spanish with Izzy. After a short break went out into the area around the ITEC field station, including the forest, to some journaling. They were asked to observe, formulate questions, and reflect on their surroundings. After supper, we had some time for all i the group to reflect briefly on their day.

Alex and group snorkeling ot Pete's reef

Alex and group snorkeling ot Pete’s reef

Following that, Nick gave presentation on reef formation as well as selected geological and political history of  Panama.

There are two primary groups out this morning: one is taking a closer look at Pete’s reef, and another group went on walk to the caves that many visited yesterday. This afternoon we will be working with students to formulate projects.

CSW group, 2013, Agouti Cave

Group at Agouti Cave


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